
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dear Lily

Dear Lily,
            I know it has been decades since we last saw each other, but I did find what I was looking for; a new community that has more choices than you do in our old community. Here there is freedom. There is color, choices, variety, and true families. There are grandparents. Grandparents are the blood-related parents of our parents.  Also, adults get to have their own children. That means they don’t apply for them and they can have as many as they want. Plus, it isn’t in ‘the rules’ that it has to be one boy and one girl, it can be all boys, all girls, or mixes.
            Another amazing thing is that you can apply for any job that you want. You aren’t assigned a job when you turn twelve because you can’t even get a job when you are twelve here. Speaking of jobs, I am sorry I never got to know what job you received. Could you please send me a letter stating what it is? Anyway, you can also quit your job at any time you would want to.

            I also have seen animals. You know those “comfort objects” with the funny names. I’ve seen elephants, horses, hippos, and many more. I think that Gabe had a hippo. Father said he was to be released, but that is the morning I took him. Gabe is safe and sound here in this new community. He doesn’t remember much, but he still has faint memories of his childhood now that he is older.

Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

  1. Overall,this was a good piece. i liked how you made the setting of your writting in many years later then the end of the book.
