
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Big Yellow Taxi and Field Below

For the past few weeks, we have been analyzing famous poetry in Language Arts class. We have looked at poets like Langston Hughes and Regina Spektor. Some of the most important poems we have reviewed  are "Field Below" and "Big Yellow Taxi". All authors have special purposes for writing their poems and they always have different tones when writing.

In Big Yellow Taxi, the author was talking about how she moved to a big city and she did not realize how little nature there was. She talks about how she misses the trees and the birds and how the farmer paved right over 'paradise'. When she moved to the city, she was so used to the wildlife and plants, that she didn't really think about them much, but when she left them, she wished they were there again.

Moving on to the second poem, "Field Below", it is a lot similar to the first poem. It still contains the point of a person leaving or losing something that they wish they still had. It is from the point of view of a person looking out their window in a big city apartment or hotel wishing that they still had nature as they know it. She wants to hear a rooster in the morning, see a field below her on the ground, see the sunrise and sunset. In a few ways, these two poems have many of the same points but they are just worded differently.

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